Centenary of Australia's First Victoria Cross

Date of Issue : 24 Jul 2000
Postmark : Orange NSW 2800
Denomination : 4 x 45c
Stamp Size : 26 mm x 37.5 mm
Paper : Tullis Russell, Red Phosphor
Printing Process : Lithography

The Victoria Cross (VC) is the highest award of the United Kingdom honours system, awarded for gallantry "in the face of the enemy". This se-tenant strip of five 45c stamps commemorates the Centenary of the First Australian Victoria Cross Award. The stamps feature four of the recipients of the VC – Captain Neville Howse (the first Australian to be awarded the VC), Lieutenant Arthur Roden Cutler, Private Edward Kenna and Warrant Officer Class II Keith Payne; as well as a stamp featuring the Victoria Cross.