Insects of Malaysia

Date of Issue : 28 Nov 1998
Postmark : Kajang
Denomination : 20 sen, 30 sen, 50 sen and 2 x RM2.00
Stamp Size : 40 mm x 30 mm (20 sen, 30 sen and 50 sen); 27.9 mm x 44.5 mm (RM2.00)
Paper : SPM Watermarked, Phosphor Coated
Printing Process : Lithography

Above stamps were issued in conjunction with Pos Malaysia Stamp Week 1998. The insects featured in this stamp issue are the Rhinoceros Beetle (20 sen), Emperor Cicada (30 sen), Leaf Insect (50 sen), Orchid Mantis (RM2.00) and the Giant Malaysian Katydid (RM2.00).