Marine Life – Series V

Date of Issue : 10 Nov 2001
Postmark : Stadium Bukit Jalil
Denomination : 20 sen, 30 sen, 50 sen and RM1.00
Stamp Size : 38 mm x 28 mm
Paper : SPM Watermarked, Phosphor Coated
Printing Process : Lithography

The wondrous marine life with its unique and beautiful corals are ocean treasures that require protection and care, for us as well as our future generation to enjoy. In this fifth series stamp issue by Pos Malaysia on marine life, which is the theme for 2001 Stamp Week in Malaysia, four marine life are being featured – Kima, which is a giant clam (20 sen), a seahorse (30 sen), the Knobby Starfish (50 sen) and the Horned Helmet Shell, locally known as Siput Tapak Gajah (RM1.00).