150th Anniversary Murray River Shipping

Date of Issue : 5 Aug 2003
Postmark : Swan Hill VIC 3585
Denomination : 5 x 50c
Stamp Size : 37.5 mm x 26 mm
Paper : Tullis Russell
Printing Process : Lithography

The Murray River forms the border between New South Wales and Victoria. The first vessel to steam on the waters of the Murray was the Mary Ann during 1853. The river system quickly became a highway to the inland, and by 1870, the Murray was the main channel bringing inland wealth to the coast. The stamps in this issue feature nostalgic images of five of the restored paddle steamers (PS) that have run on the Murray River – PS Oscar W (b.1908), PS Marion (b.1897), PS Ruby (b.1907), PS Pyap (b.1896) and PS Adelaide (b.1866).