High Court Centenary 1903 to 2003

Date of Issue : 2 Sep 2003
Postmark : Canberra ACT 2600
Denomination : 50c and AU$1.45
Stamp Size : 37.5 mm x 26 mm
Paper : Tullis Russell
Printing Process : Lithography

The High Court, the highest court in the Australian judicial system, was established in 1901 by Section 71 of the Constitution. The first sitting of the High Court took place in the Banco Court of the Supreme Court Building in Melbourne on 6 Oct 1903. The stamps in this issue feature a portrait of the first Chief Justice of the High Court, Sir Samuel Griffith (50c) and a typographical representation of "Justice" with a selection of significant decisions made by the High Court throughout its history (AU$1.45).