Down on the Farm

Date of Issue : 4 Oct 2005
Postmark : New Farm QLD 4005
Denomination : 5 x 50c and AU$1.00
Stamp Size : 37.5 mm x 26 mm
Paper : Tullis Russell
Printing Process : Lithography

A special stamp issue for children by Australia Post, in conjunction with 2005 Stamp Collecting Month. Down on the Farm takes a whimsical and humorous look at the farmyard animals living on Gumnut Farm – the confused Chloe the Chicken thought she had six children but can only find five (50c); Lucy the Lamb doesn't know what to make of the colourful flapping creatures that keep landing on her nose (50c); Gilbert the Goat may have bitten off more than he can chew (50c); Ralph the Pig is the naughtiest pig (50c); Abigail the Cow happily munching on fresh dandelions and rich green grass; as well as Harry the Horse likes nothing better than to gallop at full speed (AU$1.00).