Songket, The Regal Heritage

Date of Issue : 29 Apr 2005
Postmark : Kuala Lumpur
Denomination : 30 sen, 50 sen and 2 x RM1.00
Stamp Size : 30 mm x 40 mm
Paper : SPM Watermarked, Phosphor Coated
Printing Process : Lithography

Songket is a traditional Malay fabric, hand woven by inserting gold or silver thread in between silk or cotton weft or latitudinal threads of the main cloth, using a flat needle or cuban. The songket goes through eight stages before it becomes a piece of fabric. This stamp issue by Pos Malaysia features four songket designs and patterns – Pucuk Rebung Gigi Yu (30 sen), Bunga Bertabur Pecah Lapan (50 sen), Pucuk Rebung Gigi Yu dan Bunga Kayohan (RM1.00) and Teluk Berantai Bunga Pecah Empat (RM1.00).