APEC Australia 2007

Date of Issue : 28 Aug 2007
Postmark : Sydney NSW 2000
Denomination : 50c
Stamp Size : 37.5 mm x 26 mm
Paper : Tullis Russell
Printing Process : Lithography

The Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum was established as an Australian initiative in 1989, when Canberra hosted the first informal dialogue with 12 members, which has since grown to include 21 member economies. The forum offers member economies the opportunity to strengthen ties with their Asia Pacific neighbours. Australia once again hosted this significant event in 2007. Australia Post issued a stamp to commemorate this event, featuring the APEC logo supported by a half globe, representing the fact that this is a regional, as opposed to global, forum. The Southern Cross in the stamp design indicates the venue of the forum in 2007.