Cocos (Keeling) Islands Coral Reefs

Date of Issue : 13 Jun 2006
Postmark : Cocos (Keeling) Islands WA 6799
Denomination : 5 x 10c, 10 x 25c and 5 x 50c
Stamp Size : 26 mm x 37.5 mm
Paper : Tullis Russell
Printing Process : Lithography

Another set of stunning and beautiful set of colourful stamps from Australia Post, this time featuring the variety of life within the coral reefs of Cocos (Keeling) Islands. Coral reefs have a greater variety of life within them than any other oceanic ecosystem. First row of stamps (10c) features birds found here – Great Frigatebird, Red-footed Booby, Sooty Tern, White Tern and Nankeen Night Heron. The remaining stamps feature marine life found here. Second row of stamps (25c) features the Threadfin Butterflyfish, Saddleback Butterflyfish, Orangeshoulder Tang and Bigeye Yellow Snapper, Manta Ray and the Scrawled Butterflyfish. Third row of stamps (25c) features the Blue Tang, Picasso Triggerfish and Parrotfish, Green Sea Turtle, Moorish Idol and the Yellow Longnose Butterflyfish. Meanwhile, the last row of stamps (50c) features the Seychelles Butterflyfish, Powder Blue Tang, Undulate Triggerfish and Red Starfish, Freckled Hawkfish, Sea Cucumber and Red Coral as well as the Yellowhead Angelfish.