Extreme Sports

Date of Issue : 18 Jul 2006
Postmark : Ryde NSW 2112
Denomination : 50c, AU$1.00, AU$1.45 and AU$2.00
Stamp Size : 37.5 mm x 26 mm
Paper : Tullis Russell
Printing Process : Lithography

Extreme sports are a popular pastime for many people around the world, and are often a lifestyle choice. The term "extreme sports" dates to 1995, and many of these sports have their origins in activities that have long been around. This stamp issue highlights four of the better-known extreme sports – surfing (50c), snowboarding (AU$1.00), skateboarding (AU$1.45) and freestyle motoX (AU$2.00). The stamps adopt a visual style, with vibrant colours and designs, that reflects the aesthetics and energy of these activities, as well as the "no boundaries" attitude to many of these sports.