Malaysian Festivals – Miniature Sheet

Date of Issue : 15 Aug 2006
Postmark : Kajang
Denomination : 2 x RM1.00
Stamp Size : 30 mm x 40 mm
Paper : SPM Watermarked, Phosphor Coated
Printing Process : Lithography

Anyone visiting Malaysia for the first time will be amazed by the number of festivals and events celebrated in Malaysia as Malaysia has a great mix of races, religion and culture. Besides the main festivals such as Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Chinese New Year and Deepavali, the different ethnic groups in East Malaysia also have their own festivals. As featured in this stamp issue, the Tadau Kaamatan Festival (Harvest Festival), is celebrated by the Kadazandusuns of Sabah as thanksgiving for the abundant harvest as well as to worship for a greater harvest for seasons to come. Meanwhile, the Gawai Festival is celebrated by the Dayaks of Sarawak as thanksgiving for the bountiful harvest bestowed upon them by the God of Rice and Wealth.