Rare Vegetables

Date of Issue : 26 Nov 2007
Postmark : Kuala Lumpur
Denomination : 3 x 50 sen
Stamp Size : 29 mm x 34 mm
Paper : SPM Watermarked, Phosphor Coated
Printing Process : Lithography

A wide range of rare vegetables can be found in Malaysia. Rare vegetables are categorised as ulam when the fresh or boiled shoots or young fruits are eaten with sambal or budu. Ulam is the favourite appetizer in Malay cuisine. Other rare vegetables are fried or cooked with coconut milk, or made into rojak or other dishes. This stamp issue, in conjunction with 2007 Stamp Week in Malaysia, features a few of these rare vegetables found in Malaysia – Indian nightshade or hairy-fruited eggplant, known locally as terung asam; bitter melon, known locally as peria katak; as well as torch ginger, known locally as kantan.