Christmas Island Christmas 2008


Date of Issue : 31 Oct 2008
Postmark : Christmas Island WA 6798
Denomination : 50c and AU$1.20
Stamp Size : 26 mm x 37.5 mm
Paper : Tullis Russell
Printing Process : Lithography

Christmas Island Christmas stamps have always been colourful and vibrant. Unlike prior years' stamps, Santa Claus seems to be taking a break and did not appear in the 2008 stamps. Instead, the stamps feature a Christmas Tree, with the Golden Bosunbird wrapping its splendid tail, like a strand of tinsel, around the tree decorated with seashells, Red Crabs and a smiling starfish atop (50c) as well as the Robber Crabs, known for their thieving habits, as clearly illustrated in the stamp design (AU$1.20).