Legacy of the Loom


Date of Issue : 12 Jan 2012
Postmark : Kuala Lumpur
Denomination : 5 x 60 sen
Stamp Size : 35 mm x 45 mm
Paper : SPM Watermarked, Phosphor Coated
Printing Process : Lithography

The Malay Archipelago has always been a magnet to migrants from all part of Asia and the world. Traders and adventurers from India and China began to settle in this region over 2,000 years ago, bringing along their culture and arts, which include the art of weaving traditional textiles and embroidery. This stamp issue features five of such art found in Malaysia – Cindai which was brought to our shores in the 15th century by Gujerati traders; Songket which is said to have Thai-Cambodian roots with clear Indian-Chinese influences; Pua Kumbu which is weaved by the Dayak of Sarawak; Ci Xiu which is a silk embroidery of the Chinese; and Rangkit which is weaved by the Rungus tribe, a sub-group of the KadazanDusun tribe.