Stargazing – The Southern Skies

Date of Issue : 25 Aug 2009
Postmark : Southern Cross WA 6426
Denomination : 55c, AU$1.45 and AU$2.10
Stamp Size : 37.5 mm x 26 mm
Paper : Tullis Russell
Printing Process : Lithography

Released during the International Year of Astronomy in 2009, this stamp issue highlights the beauty of astronomical objects revealed through the art of astrophotography, and it celebrates a science that has had an enormous impact on culture and society worldwide. The stamps in this issue feature the Sombrero Galaxy M104 (55c), the Reflection Nebula M78 (AU$1.45) and the Spiral Galaxy M83 (AU$2.10). The two galaxy images in the stamp designs were taken from the Anglo-Australian Telescope at Siding Spring NSW, while the nebula image was taken from a backyard observatory in Yass.