The 21st HKTDC Hong Kong Book Fair


Date of Issue : 24 Jun 2010
Cancellation Date : 21 Jul 2010
Postmark : Hong Kong
Denomination : HK$1.40
Stamp Size : 35 mm x 35 mm
Paper : Paper with Security Fibres
Printing Process : Lithography

The 21st HKTDC Hong Kong Book Fair was held from 21 to 27 Jul 2010 in the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. This annual event is an epitome of the outstanding achievements of the publishing industry in Asia. This souvenir cover was jointly issued by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) and The Commercial Press (HK) Ltd as a memento of this occasion. No special stamp was issued for this event. The stamp affixed on the souvenir cover is from the Characteristic Streets in Hong Kong stamp series. The stamp design above portrays Pottinger Street, a street in Central, Hong Kong.

Pottinger Street = 呠典乍街