Treasures of the Nation's Visual Arts – Series II


Date of Issue : 19 Sep 2011
Postmark : Kuala Lumpur
Denomination : 60 sen, 90 sen and RM1.00
Stamp Size : 30 mm x 40 mm (60 sen); 40 mm x 30 mm (90 sen and RM1.00)
Paper : SPM Watermarked, Phosphor Coated
Printing Process : Lithography

This stamp issue is a continuation to the Treasures of the Nation's Visual Arts stamp issue in 2008 (click here for more details). This second series features Bajau Horseman, North Borneo by Datuk Mohd Hoessein Enas (1963) (60 sen), Ayam Jantan by Anthony Lau (1963) (90 sen) and Corak Bendera – Flag by Nik Zainal Abidin Nik Salleh (1970) (RM1.00).