Verse of the Song Dynasty #6


Date of Issue : 31 Aug 2012
Postmark : China
Denomination : 3.00 yuan
Stamp Size : 40 mm x 35 mm
Printing Process : Lithography

China has a long and rich literary tradition, of which includes many forms of poetry and verse. Ci poetry came about during the Tang Dynasty, however, only came to its fullest array during the Song Dynasty, when the style was formatted and regularised. Ci 词 lyrics, perhaps one of the most beautiful, sorrowful and tangible, are arranged to the tune of traditional songs, known as cipai 词牌. The China National Philatelic Corporation has issued a set of six stamps, with corresponding cover for each stamp, featuring the Ci of the Song Dynasty.

Above stamp features A Poem to Chen Tongfu in a Heroic Vein 破阵子 . 为陈同甫赋壮语以寄 by Xin Qiji 辛弃疾. A patriotic poem full of heroism, this poem describes a military life. The author imagined himself as a hero in his prime and galloped into the battlefields. For the country, he recovered lost territories, while for himself, he became a hero. However, in the end, he suddenly fell back to reality – he gained nothing but instead was filled with distress due to disillusion, and grief and indignation for having no opportunity to serve his motherland.