Christmas 2013 – Miniature Sheet


Date of Issue : 21 Oct 2013
Postmark : Macau
Denomination : 12.00 P
Stamp Size : 40 mm x 30 mm
Paper : Paper with Security Fibres
Printing Process : Offset Lithography

Christmas is a day when Christians commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ. The Catholic Church celebrates the birth of Jesus on 25 Dec every year, which is in fact an ancient tradition. On Christmas Eve, both Catholics and Christians hold Midnight Masses and worship services, as well as Christmas Caroling. In Macau, at Largo do Senado, Ruins of St. Paul and the North District of Macau, church organisations hold Christmas Carol events every year with hymn singing, drama performance and preaching in order to proclaim the good news of the redemption of humanity by Jesus. The stamp in the miniature sheet of this issue features the image of "Our Lady and Infant Jesus", which belongs to the St. Dominic's Church Museum.

P = Macanese pataca