Indonesian Traditional Music Instruments

Date of Issue : 9 Mar 2013
Postmark : Bandung
Denomination : 6 x 2,500 Rp and 5 x 3,000 Rp
Stamp Size : 41 mm x 25 mm
Paper : Tullis Russell
Printing Process : Lithography

Indonesia is an archipelago comprising approximately 17,500 islands, with nearly thousands of these islands having its own cultural and artistic history and character. This results in different forms of music, and hence music instruments. This stamp issue by Pos Indonesia features a handful of these traditional music instruments :

Cover #1 – Gambus from Riau (2,500 Rp), Serune Kalee from Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (3,000 Rp), Fu from Maluku (3,000 Rp) and Celempung from West Java (2,500 Rp)

Cover #2 – Cengceng from Bali (3,000 Rp), Kollatung from West Kalimantan (2,500 Rp), Calong from West Sulawesi (2,500 Rp) and Tambua from West Sumatra (2,500 Rp)

Cover #3 – Siter from Central Java (2,500 Rp), Tifa from Papua (3,000 Rp) and Polopalo from Gorontalo (3,000 Rp)

Rp = Indonesian rupiah