Medicinal Plants – Series III


Date of Issue : 20 Jan 2015
Postmark : Kuala Lumpur
Denomination : 60 sen, 70 sen and 80 sen
Stamp Size : 30 mm x 40 mm
Paper : SPM Watermarked, Phosphor Coated
Printing Process : Lithography

A continuation to the earlier stamp issues on medicinal plants (Series I issued on 18 Jul 1998 and Series II issued on 11 Dec 2004), this third series of stamp issue continues to create awareness among the public on the various local species of plants which have medicinal properties. The plants featured in this issue are Misai Kucing (60 sen), Roselle (70 sen) and Hempedu Bumi (80 sen). The blank cover (i.e. without stamps affixed) consists of three pots, and when the stamps are affixed on these pots, they make a complete picture of grown plants. This indirectly gives the illusion that the stamps are much longer than their actual size. Kudos to Pos Malaysia for such interesting and creative idea!