Date of Issue : 22 Oct 2013
Postmark : China
Denomination : 2 x 1.20 yuan
Stamp Size : 27 mm x 38 mm
Printing Process : Lithography

INTOSAI (The International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions) was founded in 1953, and it operates as an umbrella organisation for the community of supreme audit institutions (SAI) in countries belonging to the United Nations (UN) and its specialised agencies. INTOSAI is the recognised international body in the field of external public audit. INCOSAI (International Congress of Surpreme Audit Institutions) is the INTOSAI organ of the highest authority and is held once every 3 years. The XXI INCOSAI was hosted by the National Audit Office of China, held from 21 to 26 Oct 2013 in Beijing. The China National Philatelic Corporation issued a set of stamps to commemorate this event, featuring the emblem of XXI INCOSAI and the logo of INTOSAI respectively.