Trains in Sabah

Date of Issue : 28 Dec 2015
Postmark : Kuala Lumpur
Denomination : 60 sen, 70 sen and 80 sen
Stamp Size : 70 mm x 24.35 mm
Paper : Phosphor Coated, Security Stamp Paper
Printing Process : Lithography

2015 last stamp issue by Pos Malaysia features the renowned and iconic trains in Sabah. Stamp issues featuring trains have always been a popular theme worldwide. In Sabah, trains have played an important role in building the economy, transportation and even helped Kota Kinabalu to achieve its city status. The history of rail services in Sabah began with British North Borneo Chartered Company in 1896, known as North Borneo Railway. In 1963, it was renamed to Sabah State Railway Department (JKNS). There are a total of 15 stations along the 134 km single railway line. As featured in the stamps, trains in Sabah use diesel locomotives such as the Hitachi Diesel Hydraulic Locomotive (60 sen), Railbus (70 sen) and the Diesel Multiple Units (80 sen).