Covid-19 – Series I : The Soaper 5

Date of Issue : 4 Sep 2020
Postmark : Singapore
Denomination : 3 x 1st Local and 3 x 70c
Stamp Size : 29.85 mm x 40.8 mm
Paper : Unwatermarked
Printing Process : Offset Lithography

In conjunction with Teachers' Day, Singapore Post collaborates with the Ministry of Education (MOE) to issue a set of anti-Covid-19 themed stamps featuring the Soaper 5, as a tribute to education fraternity in Singapore. Soaper 5 is a superhero squad created by MOE to engage and educate students on how they can protect themselves in the nation's fight against Covid-19. The Soaper 5 champion responsible behaviour that all can adopt that helps to keep the virus at bay. The stamps feature Virus Screener Varun for checking your temperature daily (1st Local), Mask Up Mei Mei for wearing a mask (1st Local), Hands Down Hana for not touching your face with your hands (1st Local), Wipe Up Wilson for keeping surfaces clean (70c), Super Soaper Soffy for washing your hands (70c) as well as Soaper 5 to the Rescue (70c).