Garden Flowers – Kelantan

Date of Issue : 13 Feb 2018
Postmark : Kota Bharu
Denomination : 10 sen, 20 sen, 30 sen, 40 sen, 50 sen and 60 sen
Stamp Size :  27 mm x 32 mm
Paper : SPM Watermarked, Phosphor Coated
Printing Process : Lithography

The issuance of this special state definitive series is to recognise the head of State of Kelantan, His Royal Highness (HRH) Sultan Muhammad V, who is featured in this stamp series. HRH took the oath of office and signed the declaration on 13 Dec 2016. This issue is based on the design of the Garden Flowers definitive issue in 2007 (Garden Flowers issued on 31 Dec 2007 and Garden Flowers – Kelantan mini sheet issued on 24 Nov 2009). The earlier set of stamps for Kelantan includes the portrait of Sultan Ismail Petra, the Sultan of Kelantan at the time of stamp issue. This set of definitive stamps features the images of Sultan Muhammad V, alongside the Coat of Arms of Kelantan, and at different denominations :

*  Sacred lotus (Nelumbium nelumbo) = Previously 5 sen, now 10 sen
*  French hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla) = Previously 10 sen, now 20 sen
*  Red lily (Hippeastrum reticulatum) = Previously 20 sen, now 30 sen
*  Bougainvillea = Previously 30 sen, now 40 sen
*  Blue morning glory (Ipomoea indica) = Previously 40 sen, now 50 sen
*  Chinese hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) = Previously 50 sen, now 60 sen