It's a Wrap!

And it's a wrap for the year!

When I decided to start this blog early of the year to share my collection, I gave myself a target to share everything in my collection (i.e. up until 2020) by the end of the year.

After a series of marathon postings, finally, that's about 510 published posts within a year!

Having said that, I still have close to 120 items in my collection of which I have yet to post. Due to the current pandemic situation, I couldn't make a trip back to my home country and get hold of these. I have the necessary information available, of which I can easily Google and do a bit of information searching online, but the relevant scanned images are not available. I could always take images from Pos Malaysia and Australia Post, but I choose not to.

Guess all these would need to wait until the situation gets better, and hence warrant a trip back.

As and when anything is added to my collection, I will continue to share them; no more marathon postings (I hope).

In the meantime, it's time to take my short, well-deserved break and have a cup of Kopi O.

Meanwhile, stay safe, everyone!

Update – Being able to make a trip back to my home country, the remaining 120+ pending posts are now finally up! Hope you enjoy reading them.