Musical Instruments of Malaysia – Series II

Date of Issue : 10 Apr 2018
Postmark : Kuala Lumpur
Denomination : 2 x 60 sen and 2 x 80 sen
Stamp Size : 30 mm x 40 mm
Paper : 102gsm Stamp Paper OBA Free, PVA Gummed from Tullis Russel TR8
Printing Process : Lithography

After 31 years, Pos Malaysia once again brought back stamps featuring musical instruments in 2018. The last stamp issue on musical instruments was on 7 Mar 1987, featuring four folk musical instruments – sompotan, sapih, serunai and rebab. Inspired by Malaysia's multi-ethnic people, this second series on musical instruments features traditional string instruments in Malaysia – Sitar of the Indian (60 sen); Pipa of the Chinese (60 sen); Sape of the Orang Ulu (80 sen); as well as Sundatang of the Kadazandusun (80 sen). Each of these musical instruments reflects the rich musical treasures and traditions of the people of Malaysia.