Norfolk Island Wrasses

Date of Issue : 30 Apr 2018
Postmark : Norfolk Island NSW 2899
Denomination : AU$1.00 and AU$2.00
Stamp Size : 37.5 mm x 26 mm
Paper : Tullis Russell
Printing Process : Lithography

The reef at Emily Bay, Norfolk Island is a popular spot for snorkeling, due to its clear water and an abundance of fish species. The most predominant in terms of individual species are wrasses (Labridae) – a large and often brightly coloured family of fish that inhabit coral reefs and other temperate waters. This stamp issue by Australia Post features a selection of these brilliantly coloured fish – the vividly coloured adult male Surge Wrasse (AU$1.00) and the striking orange-red Luculent Wrasse (AU$2.00).