The Fullerton Hotel Collection

Date of Issue : 28 Jul 2020
Denomination : 1st Local and 60c
Sheet Size : 148 mm x 210 mm

The Fullerton Hotel Collection celebrates the opening of Singapore Post's new Fullerton Philately Store on 28 Jul 2020, which is located in the magnificent Fullerton Building. The Fullerton Building, which was opened in 1928, was the former home of the General Post Office and other government offices. The GPO was closed in 1996 for the transformation of Fullerton Building into a luxury hotel. This collection, which is available only at Philatelic Store @ Fullerton, consists of a set of two postcards, a set of three magnets and a commemorative MyStamp sheet (as shown above). It features intricate line-art drawings of the hotel – side view (1st Local) and magnificent front entrance (60c) of the hotel. The sheet also depicts a heritage red posting box, which is still in use at the Fullerton Hotel today.