125 Years of Vanda Miss Joaquim

Date of Issue : 22 Jun 2018
Postmark : Singapore
Denomination : 1st Local, 70c, 90c and S$1.30
Stamp Size : 50 mm x 30 mm (1st Local and S$1.30); 40 mm x 30 mm (70c and 90c)
Paper : Unwatermarked
Printing Process : Offset Lithography with Metallic Pink Foil

How can a flower embody the spirit of a nation? Yet, it is precisely because it does this so well, that the Vanda Miss Joaquim has firmly rooted itself in the Singapore identity. The Vanda Miss Joaquim has been a national symbol of Singapore since 15 Apr 1981, and as a hybrid, was selected to reflect Singapore's multicultural heritage. It was named for its creator, Miss Agnes Joaquim, a second-generation Singapore-born Armenian horticulturalist who was the first woman in the world to breed an orchid hybrid. Celebrating 125 years since the creation of the Vanda Miss Joaquim, this stamp issue features luminous ink and illustrates the creation of the orchid hybrid from its parent plants (1st Local), through various stages of bloom (70c and 90c), and finally the Vanda Miss Joaquim (S$1.30).