Areas of Historical Significance

Date of Issue : 21 Mar 2018
Postmark : Singapore
Denomination : 2 x 1st Local and 2 x S$1.30
Stamp Size : 45 mm x 32.3 mm
Paper : Unwatermarked
Printing Process : Offset Lithography

As a young nation, Singapore has undergone many rapid developments which have resulted in changes to the country's landscape. In spite of these changes, there are historically significant areas in Singapore which offer a rich heritage of the people and their culture. Two of these areas are being featured in this stamp issue – Arab Street and Kampong Glam. The areas around Arab Street and Kampong Glam form one of the nation's major cultural enclaves, retaining a rich cultural heritage and strong ties to the Malay-Muslim community. The stamps in this issue feature past (S$1.30) and present (1st Local) scenes of the two locations – shophouses in Arab Street and Sultan Mosque in Kampong Glam.