Early Trades of Singapore

Date of Issue : 18 Apr 2018
Postmark : Singapore
Denomination : 1st Local, 60c, 90c and S$1.30
Stamp Size : 40.5 mm x 30 mm
Paper : Unwatermarked
Printing Process : Offset Lithography

This stamp issue recalls four trades that were common in the early days of Singapore, and aims to preserve the memories of these early trades in Singapore. Interestingly and beautifully featured in this stamp issue are four early trades – Samsui Woman (1st Local), who came from Guangdong province in Southern China and was a common sight at construction sites in Singapore from the mid-1930s; Sikh Guard (60c), who came from Punjab, India and recruited to serve as policemen and security personnel in the Straits Settlements; Boatman (90c), also known as Orang Laut who made a living as fishermen, boatmen and rowers; as well as Coolie (S$1.30), who were unskilled labourers who formed the backbone of Singapore's earliest labour force.