Traditional Confections

Date of Issue : 17 Apr 2019
Postmark : Singapore
Denomination : 1st Local, 70c, 90c and S$1.30
Stamp Size : 29.85 mm x 40.8 mm
Paper : Unwatermarked
Printing Process : Offset Lithography

Food is well-loved in Singapore and most Singaporeans celebrate the nation's wonderful and varied cuisine heartily. With the multiculturalism of its local food and the ready availability of international cuisine, it is therefore no surprise that Singapore is called a "food paradise". Traditional confection is one of the favourite snacks that Singaporeans indulge in between meals, and definitely a delight for those with a sweet tooth. This stamp issue features a few of these traditional confections – Kaya Bread (1st Local), Kuih Semperit, also known as Dahlia Butter Cookie (70c), Jilebi, a sweet Indian snack (90c) and Sugee Cake (S$1.30).