Year of the Pig 2019

Date of Issue : 4 Jan 2019
Postmark : Singapore
Denomination : 1st Local, 70c and S$1.30
Stamp Size : 40 mm x 30 mm (1st Local and 70c); 35 mm x 45.6 mm (S$1.30)
Paper : Unwatermarked
Printing Process : Offset Lithography

Pig is the twelfth and last sign of the Chinese zodiac. According to tradition, those born under the sign are said to be carefree, peace-loving, fun, honest, sincere and brave, with a deep desire for knowledge. Famous people born in the Year of the Pig include Hillary Clinton, Dalai Lama, Elton John, Mariah Carey and Chris Hemsworth. This stamp issue concludes and completes Singapore Post's Zodiac stamp series which began in 2008 with the Rat. The stamps, designed in a similar style as the rest of the stamps in the zodiac series, feature graphical illustrations of the warm-hearted, good-tempered and gentle Pig in all three stamps.