Covid-19 – Series II : A Tribute to Frontline Heroes

Date of Issue : 6 Aug 2021
Postmark : Singapore
Denomination : 2 x 1st Local, 2nd Local, 40c, 50c, 60c, 70c, 90c, S$1.15 and S$1.40
Stamp Size : 33 mm x 28 mm
Paper : Unwatermarked
Printing Process : Offset Lithography

We live among heroes, the everyday folk in our neighbourhoods who are the vanguard in the war against Covid-19. Overcoming fear, fatigue and discomfort, in the face of risks and restrictions, these heroes go about their work with dignity, bringing hope and strength to fellow Singaporeans. In celebration of Singapore's 56th year of independence, this stamp issue pays tribute to the diverse groups of frontline workers who have pressed on to serve Singapore in the past year despite the unprecedented challenges they faced – the doctor (1st Local), nurse (1st Local), Covid-19 test swabber (2nd Local), teacher (40c), transport worker (50c), postman (60c), food delivery rider (70c), cleaner (90c), hawker (S$1.15) and the supermarket staff member (S$1.40). This stamp issue also comes with a miniature sheet – click here for more details. Indeed a very apt theme as the nation celebrates its 56th year of independence in 2021.