20 Years of National Service

Date of Issue : 1 Jul 1987
Postmark : Singapore
Denomination : 4 x 10c
Stamp Size : 20.32 mm x 35.71 mm
Paper : Unwatermarked
Printing Process : Offset Lithography

In 1967, National Service (NS) was introduced to fulfill the critical need of defending Singapore, a young nation then. Having attained its independence in 1965, the nation was armed with only two infantry battalions, two modest training ships and no air force. Having need to face the economic and political uncertainties then, there was a pressing need for a credible armed force. The only logical way was to create a citizen army with a small regular corps of professional soldiers. Twenty years after its introduction, Singapore has built up a reserve force of 200,000 frontline soldiers. Celebrating 20 years of NS in 1987, the first three stamps in this issue feature the Army, Navy and Air Force servicemen in the various disciplines of training, while the fourth stamp features all national servicemen pledging allegiance to the nation; each stamp against the background of the Singapore Lion and state flag.