20th Anniversary of the National Productivity Council & 25th Anniversary of the Asian Productivity Organisation

Date of Issue : 3 Nov 1986
Postmark : Kuala Lumpur
Denomination : 20 sen, 40 sen and RM1.00
Stamp Size : 28 mm x 32 mm (20 sen); 32 mm x 28 mm (40 sen and RM1.00)
Paper : Unwatermarked
Printing Process : Lithography

1986 was declared as the Productivity Year. It was also the year when the National Productivity Council (NPC) in Malaysia celebrated its 20th anniversary; as well as the Asian Productivity Organisation (APO) celebrated its 25th anniversary. Formed in 1966, NPC aims to promote productivity and quality for enhancing the nation's competitiveness. NPC is known as National Productivity Corporation. APO, on the other hand, was formed through a convention in 1961, with the aim to help speed up economic development in the Asian region through cooperation and mutual agreement among the members. The stamps in this issue feature the ant, that is chosen as the mascot of productivity (20 sen), depicting how productivity can be achieved through management of people (40 sen), and illustration of how advancement in technology can contribute to increase in productivity.