Insect Definitives – High Values

Date of Issue : 5 Jun 1985
Postmark : Singapore
Denomination : S$1.00, S$2.00, S$5.00 and S$10.00
Stamp Size : 38 mm x 33 mm
Paper : Unwatermarked
Printing Process : Photogravure and Recess

A definitive stamp is a postage stamp that is part of the regular issue of a country's stamps, available for sale for an extended period of time and designed to serve the everyday postal needs of the country. Singapore's 5th definitive stamp series seeks to record on stamps some of the insects found in the country. The low-value definitive stamps were issued on 24 Apr 1985 (click here for more details), while the high-value definitive stamps were issued on 5 Jun 1985. The insects featured in the high-value definitive stamps are from the orders Odonata and Orthoptera – the Cricket (S$1.00), Grasshopper (S$2.00), Dragonfly (S$5.00) and the Longhorned Grasshopper ($S10.00). As can be seen from above image, the cover that I purchased is rather toned, but not the stamps.