
Date of Issue : 22 Mar 1988
Postmark : Edinburgh
Denomination : 18p, 26p, 31p and 34p
Stamp Size : 34.7 mm x 34.7 mm
Paper : Unwatermarked, Phosphor Coated
Printing Process : Photogravure

In the Year of the Summer Olympic Games in Seoul, the Royal Mail issued this set of stamps to celebrate the enjoyment which sport brings to millions of people around the world. Besides that, this stamp issue also honours the Ski Club of Great Britain (26p) as well as a few associations that celebrate its centenary in 1988, namely the British Amateur Gymnastics Association (18p), the Lawn Tennis Association (31p) and the Football League (34p). Britain has made major contribution to the development of sport  millions of people in the country enjoy skiing holiday each year and are regular participants in gymnastics; while soccer, being Britain's most popular spectator sport, has attracted millions of attendances from all over the world each season. And making a personal note, this is the first Royal Mail cover that I have in my collection.