Year of the Horse 2014

Date of Issue : 2 Dec 2013
Postmark : Taiwan R.O.C.
Denomination : NT$3.50 and NT$13.00
Stamp Size : 34 mm x 26 mm
Paper : Phosphorescent Stamp Paper
Printing Process : Offset Lithography

This stamp issue by Chunghwa Post, the official postal service of Taiwan, celebrates the Year of the Horse 2014. Horse, the seventh sign of the Chinese zodiac, symbolises nobility, class, speed and perseverance. The two stamps in this issue feature the striding and galloping horses – the NT$3.50 stamp portrays a high-spirited strapping steed striding forward, representing a good beginning to the year; while the NT$13.00 stamp portrays a jumping horse turning its head up for a backward look, symbolising success in the year. Just like past zodiac issues, Chunghwa Post issues the zodiac stamps earlier during Dec of the preceding year – in this instance, this stamp issue for Year of the Horse 2014 was released in Dec 2013.