Building a Green & Resilient Singapore – Miniature Sheet

Date of Issue : 8 Aug 2022
Postmark : Singapore
Denomination : S$2.00
Stamp Size : 50.5 mm x 59.7 mm
Paper : Unwatermarked
Printing Process : Offset Lithography

This stamp issue by Singapore Post, in conjunction with Singapore's National Day 2022, themed "Building a Green and Resilient Singapore", is one of many components in MSE's year-long campaign to celebrate the nation's sustainability and environmental journey over the last 50 years. The single stamp in the miniature sheet features the key aspects of MSE's work – water and food security, climate mitigation and adaptation, public health resilience as well as zero waste and building a circular economy. All of these aspects are separately illustrated in the remaining stamps in this issue – click here for more details.

MSE = Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment