Year of Celebrating SG Families

Date of Issue : 8 Oct 2022
Postmark : Singapore
Denomination : 1st Local, 70c, 90c and S$1.50
Stamp Size : 29.85 mm x 40.8 mm
Paper : Unwatermarked
Printing Process : Offset Lithography

Strong families are the bedrock of society. They nurture resilient individuals and empower them to contribute meaningfully to society. Commemorating the Year of Celebrating SG Families in 2022, the stamp design in this issue, a collaboration between Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF) and Singapore Post, is inspired by the Families for Life mascot, Becky Bunny, who embodies the four family values of Love (1st Local), Care & Concern (70c), Commitment (90c) and Respect (S$1.50). Bursting with life, Becky Bunny is always ready for adventures, and always puts her family first. Through these stamps, Becky Bunny shows how to put the core family values into action.