Leisure Activities

Date of Issue : 10 Dec 2022
Postmark : Kuala Lumpur
Denomination : 30 sen, 60 sen and 90 sen
Stamp Size : 50 mm x 30 mm
Paper : 102 gsm Stamp Paper OBA Free, PVA Gummed from Tullis Russell TR8
Printing Process : Lithography

Leisure activities are activities that people do in their free time. Leisure activities can vary depending on people's preferences, interests, and goals. The range of leisure activities extends from the very informal and casual to highly organised and long-lasting activities. A significant subset of leisure activities are hobbies, which are undertaken for personal satisfaction. In conjunction with Stamp Week 2022, Pos Malaysia issued this set of stamps featuring some of the leisure activities that people do, such as cycling (30 sen), gardening (60 sen) and collecting coins (90 sen). Camping, meanwhile, is featured in the miniature sheet – click here for more details.