Legends from Liechtenstein

Date of Issue : 29 Aug 1968
Postmark : Vaduz
Denomination : 30 ct., 50 ct. and 80 ct.
Stamp Size : 36 mm x 26 mm
Printing Process : Photogravure

My very first stamp collection from Liechtenstein. Liechtenstein, officially the Principality of Liechtenstein, is a German-speaking and microstate located in the Alps between Austria and Switzerland. A semi-constitutional monarchy headed by the prince of Liechtenstein; it is the sixth smallest nation in the world. Today, Liechtensteinische Post AG is the postal service of Liechtenstein. Prior to 2000, postal service of the principality was managed by Swiss Post from 1 Feb 1921 until 31 Dec 1999. Above stamp issue released in 1968 features three legends/fables from Liechtenstein, namely The Treasure of St. Mamerten (30 ct.), The Goblin from the Bergerwald (50 ct.) and The Three Sisters (80 ct.).

Ct. = Swiss centime