XII Southeast Asia Games 1983

Date of Issue : 28 May 1983
Postmark : Singapore
Denomination : 10c, 35c, 75c and S$1.00
Stamp Size : 24.5 mm x 39 mm
Paper : Unwatermarked
Printing Process : Offset Lithography

The 12th Southeast Asian (SEA) Games were held in Singapore from 29 May to 6 Jun 1983. Singapore Post issued a set of stamps to mark this occasion, released on a date to coincide with the opening ceremony of the Games. The four stamps in this issue depict the four major areas of sports in the Games Programme, namely ball games (10c), racket games (35c), athletics (75c) and swimming (S$1.00). The SEA Games logo with six intertwined rings to represent the national sports organisations of the six founder member countries of the Southeast Asia Peninsular (SEAP) Games, is also being depicted on each stamp.