Insects – Series I

Date of Issue :29 Jul 1991
Postmark : Pulau Pinang
Denomination : 15 sen, 20 sen, 50 sen and RM1.00
Stamp Size : 28 mm x 38 mm
Paper : SPM Watermarked, Phosphor Coated
Printing Process : Lithography

This first series of stamp issue on insects by Pos Malaysia features the wasps. Wasps are well known insects due to their distinctive colour and were well known even during the time of the Pharaoh and Aristotle. They are beneficial insects, frequently visiting flowers in their search for nectar which helps pollinating flowers in the same way as bees do. Their predation on small insects is also to our advantage. Despite the benefits, wasps can be considered harmful insects and potentially dangerous, especially to small children. The four species of wasp featured in this stamp issue are the the Hover Wasp (15 sen), Hornets (20 sen), Black Mud-Dauber Wasp (50 sen) and the Jewel Wasp (RM1.00).