20th Century Singapore

Date of Issue : 31 Dec 1999
Postmark : Singapore
Denomination : 2 x No Value Indicator, 2 x 35c, 2 x 60c, 2 x 70c and 2 x S$1.00
Stamp Issue : 39.43 mm x 24 mm
Paper : Unwatermarked
Printing Process : Offset Lithography

The 20th century saw Singapore transforming from an obscure fishing village to a great seaport and modern metropolis. Once a British colony with immigrants from all parts of the world, Singapore gained its independence in 1965. The nation has since been enjoying the fruits of a progressive government, with good housing, transportation and education. This last stamp issue of the 20th century tells the significant milestone and aspects in Singapore's development during the 20th century – colonialism (No Value Indicator), immigration of people from various places into Singapore (35c), Japanese occupation (60c) as well as the progress of the nation's transportation system (70c), housing development (S$1.00), education (No Value Indicator), government (35c), national service (60c), tourism (70c) and economic growth (S$1.00).