Singapore Police Force

Date of Issue : 23 Apr 2003
Postmark : Singapore
Denomination : No Value Indicator, 40c, S$1.00 and S$2.00
Stamp Size : 28.5 mm x 40 mm
Paper : Unwatermarked
Printing Process : Offset Lithography

The history of Singapore Police Force can be traced back to 1819 when Singapore was founded. This stamp issue by Singapore Post serves as a salute to the officers of the Singapore Police Force in recognition of their dedication and service to the nation. As featured on the stamps are the four main areas of policing, namely Community Policing, which was first introduced in 1983 (No Value Indicator); Traffic Policing, which was formed in 1926 with an aim to maintain law and order on the roads of Singapore (40c); Maritime Policing, where the police force maintains law and order within Singapore Territorial Waters (S$1.00); as well as International Peacekeeping, of which a dedicated contingent  would be deployed in peacekeeping missions initiated by UN Department of Peace Keeping Operations (S$2.00).