Y2K Postage Stamps

Date of Issue : 31 Dec 1999
Postmark : Taiwan R.O.C.
Denomination : 2 x NT$5.00, NT$12.00 and NT$15.00
Stamp Size : 40 mm x 30 mm
Paper : Phosphorescent Stamp Paper
Printing Process : Offset Lithography

As the 20th century come to an end, people around the world are greeting the 21st century with high spirits, hoping for a better new century. Just like many other postal authorities around the world, Chunghwa Post also issued a set of commemorative stamps on the last day of 20th century to herald the 21st century. The stamps depict the new century as The Information Millennium (NT$5.00), featuring the launching of ROCSAT-1, the first satellite over which the nation has full control; The Environmental Protection Millennium (NT$5.00), featuring the agile Formosan Sika Deer and clear creeks; The Industrial and Economic Millennium (NT$12.00), featuring the super modern buildings and the high-speed railway under construction then in Taiwan; as well as The Millennium of Peace (NTS15.00), featuring St. Peter's Basilica and the white dove, a symbol of peace.