Year of the Dragon 1988

Date of Issue : 5 Jan 1988
Postmark : Beijing
Denomination : 8 fēn
Stamp Size : 26 mm x 31 mm
Printing Process : Photogravure

According to the Chinese lunar calendar, 1988 is the Wuchen Year (戊辰年), the Year of the Dragon. The dragon represents the most sacred animal in Chinese folk culture and was created by the ancient Chinese people long ago to symbolise power and strength. Above Year of the Dragon stamp issue in 1988 is the 9th issue in the first zodiac series that was first released in 1980 during Year of the Monkey. China did not begin to issue zodiac stamps until 1980 as during the Cultural Revolution (1966-76), the Chinese zodiac was considered one of the "four olds" (old ideas, old culture, old customs and old habits).